Welcome to our Blog! What are the goals of "Africonnection"? To further the Kingdom. To help North American friends make a connection with the lives and experiences of their brothers and sisters in Africa. And to give North American friends an opportunity to partner with Africa Nazarene University as it supports the Kingdom through the Church of the Nazarene in Africa.

Mark and Nancy

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Work and Witness Court of Honor

Work and Witness teams are a prime example of the "Africonnection." After a busy day and a quiet dinner, we toured an ANU tribute to the impressive Kingdom contribution of Nazarene Work and Witness teams: Right at the center of the Africa Nazarene University campus is a clock tower surrounded by a eight low walls filled with plaques honoring each of the Work and Witness teams that has given time and resources to the vision that is ANU. The teams come from all over America: Washington State, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, California, Ohio. Some members of the original teams, twenty years ago, are planning to be part of new Work and Witness teams to ANU. Others are not able to participate as they once did, but God is providing new workers with a vision for the holiness education and leadership that African Nazarene University provides. God is faithful. New teams are coming and new names will enter the history of Africa Nazarene University.

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