OK, at one level, we've failed miserably in the last three months. You haven't had an update since June. At another level, we've just been doing the "Africonnection" in person rather than on the blog (how are we doing? Are you persuaded?). Since we left campus in mid-June, we've spent a couple of enjoyable days in Switzerland, participated in a historic General Assembly, done two months of deputation and visited family. Some highlights and pictures of those events:
It was a wonderful privilege to be part of the General Assembly when so much history was being made. We came a couple of days early to help set up the ANU booth (picture of Nan getting our picture display ready) in the exhibit hall and to prepare for the ANU luncheon. Both were very successful. If you stopped by the booth, thanks so much for doing so. The use of the new IBOE booth "passport" meant that many more people stopped by, and although some of those primarily wanted their passports stamped, many stayed and shared memories of time they had spent at ANU or communicated their hopes that they could come. The maasai bracelets we handed out were a huge hit, and it was all we could do to keep the basket full until all the bracelets--over 800 of them--were gone.
The ANU luncheon was also a historic event. It's program centered around honoring Dr. Harmon and Beverly Schmelzenbach, and announcing a new scholarship program in their honor. Dr. Schmelzenbach gave another memorable speech, encourging those attending the luncheon to support the new scholarship program, and at the end, University President Professor Leah Marangu and Council Chairman and East Africa Field Strategy Coordinator representing ANU, and Drs. Eugenio Duarte and Fili Chanbo presented gifts to the Schmelzenbachs (picture of Professor Marangu and Rev. Gardner presenting gifts).
One of the pleasures of our time at ANU has been meeting the many, many American Nazarenes who feel a special bond with Africa Nazarene University as a result of Work and Witness trips, but also as a result of volunteer teaching, visits from headquarters personnel and other connections. Many of those people were in attendance, including out-going General Superintendent Dr. Nina Gunter, pictured here with Professor Marangu.
Early the following week, we were privileged to witness the election of Dr. Duarte, whom we had featured in our June blog entry, being elected the first "international" General Superintendent. With typical determination and typical modesty, Dr. Duarte accepted the election of the General Assembly. We praise God for this historic moment in denominational history! As we asked "old-timers" what struck them most about this General Assembly, they mentioned this election more than anything else. As we saw African friends and acquaintances after the election, it was clear they felt we had entered an important new era in the church and were overjoyed. We might say that, with the appointment of Dr. Filimao Chambo as regional director, we feel the significance of strong, African leadership is making itself felt in the denomination.
When General Assembly was over, we began our series of deputation services. We'll update you on this in the post that follows this one immediately. Oh, and make sure you read FULL set of blog entries we post so you get a chance to read about Nancy being a guest speaker in a Hindu temple...
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